The 17th of this month
is the anniversary of when I started at Lien Animal Clinic. I have been at Lien for 24 years. I have practiced veterinary medicine now for
half of my life. You’d think I’d get it
right by now and stop calling it practice. J
Beth still
had a year of veterinary school left in Pullman . I moved back to Seattle to work for a year and then we
planned to reconsider where we wanted to live. I interviewed at seven clinics. I
remember being annoyed at trying to find parking at Lien when I went to interview. Completion of an internship played well and I
had offers at all of the practices. Some
of them were much bigger. Most of them
were nicer facilities. Anyone who knew
the old Lien clinic knows that it was not a place of fantasies. My first desk was in the treatment room next
to the only treatment table. Surgery had
no windows. The building in general was
very dark. The waiting room paneling is
somewhere in a museum to the 1970’s next to an avocado colored refrigerator.
But, there was something about Dr. King. Larry was genuine. You trusted
him instantly and you knew he cared. I
liked and trusted his wife Connie as well.
I chose them over glitzier surroundings and I can look back on that
decision as one of the best gut decisions I ever made.

So Beth and I started practicing
together 2 days a week in 1996 and it was fantastic. It has been a positive shared
experience. Even in the small confines
of that building, it was never too much togetherness. We each had our own patients and
surgeries but we always had each others backs. We could always relate to each others struggles and triumphs. In December of 1997 our daughter, Aubrey, was
born. We bought the clinic in February
of 1999.

I grew up
here and I have watched the clinic emerge into the bustling entity it has become. I watched the profession grow and
change. I also have seen my kids grow up
here. Nick wants to be a veterinarian. Aubrey works now as a receptionist. Geoffrey just applied to veterinary school at
Sometimes one ponders what they
have done with all the time. For me, at
least during insightful moments, I can see the years weaved into all that surrounds
Timothy R Kraabel, DVM, DABVP (Canine/Feline Practice)
Outreach Chairman, American Board of VeterinaryPractitioners